Saturday, 13 September 2014

An Oddly Pleasant Combination

Most bands have a certain genre and sound that they stick to like glue. Every album might sound a bit different, but mostly there is a general idea about where they lie on the musical spectrum. Twenty One Pilots is not that kind of band. This Cleveland-based duo is made up of a drummer and a piano player who sometimes breaks out a ukelele. And if that isn't unique enough for you, the lead singer interchanges singing, rapping, and what sometimes sounds quite like spoken word poetry, all complimented by a hearty amount of synth.

It might seem like the combining of all of those things would make this band a train wreck, but it totally works. The words may be a bit too fast to catch at first, but I guarantee that the lyrical content is worth a closer listen. I have connected to too many of their songs to name, but I will say that their most recent album, "Vessel", is one of my top five all-time favorites. Seriously, I listened to that album on repeat for two weeks straight.

As for their stage presence, a drum kit and a piano might seem a bit boring, but I am assured that their shows are filled with massive energy and crowd interaction. What other bands do you know that mount small platforms held up by the audience to bang out a fantastic drum duet?

I will be sure to do a live review of them after I see them live in October. But for now, head to YouTube and check them out. They cover almost ever genre, so I'm fairly sure there's at least one song of theirs that you'll like.

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