Thursday 22 May 2014

Distracted Ramblings of an Ambivert

This quarter has left me with far too much time for my liking. Now, before I get yelled at by the engineering, physics and pre-anything-medically-related majors for not appreciating free time, I would like to assure you that being idle 80% of the time is not good for anyone's wellbeing, be it physical, mental or spiritual. When I am left to do nothing but twiddle my thumbs, I shut down my priorities and get absolutely nothing done.  Homework is left to the last minute, many hours are logged on the internet, and I hardly ever leave my room. That's right, this quarter I have been an introvert.

With no sense of urgency, I cannot seem to get anything done. Stress is the motivating power that drives me to action. It's why I get out of bed 5 minutes before I have to be at work every day. It's why I start every assignment the class period before it's do. It's why I am approximately 10 minutes late to everything. I need a figurative slap in the face to get moving every day.

But there are three main problems that I have found with this system:
1) I am late for everything. I think that everyone should start telling me that everything is 10 minutes earlier than it actually is.
 2) Even though stress makes me very productive, it's still stress. So when everything has to be done on the same day, you can bet I'm going to be running around like Katie Sloop before a Cali. tour (if you don't understand that phrase, it's quite similar to "like a chicken with it's head cut off").
3) My system is failing. Usually I can be spurred to action by realizing that I'm going to miss an important assignment or miss out on paid time at work, but recently even these haven't been enough to get me out of bed or away from my computer. My procrastination level on homework has gone from do-everything-the-night-before-it's-due to do-everything-the-class-period-before-it's-due to why-should-i-even-do-it-if-it's-only-going-lower-my-final-grade-slightly. I can't seem to bring myself to understand the gravity of a situation. I know the consequences of my actions, but I can't bring myself to do anything about it.

Recently, it has come to my attention that this is a problem. You see, as someone who has problems motivating myself, it's hard to motivate myself to do something about my problem of not being able to motivate myself.  Do you see the issue with this? It's a vicious cycle and I'm stuck in it. I cannot get out of it by myself and thus I am forced to find help. But the greatest help we can find is God, and I've come to the point where I realize my need for Him. So this is me, admitting my problem and handing the wheel over to the only One who can help me.

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