Tuesday 16 April 2013

Life with Lee-Lee

This is my best friend. Yeah, I know, it's clear who the weirdo is in this friendship. (Just so you know, she's almost as strange as I am, she's just better at acting normal.)

In all seriousness though, I don't think I could function properly without Heather. Not just because she helps me keep a shred of matureness in my life, but also because she is the best friend I could ever ask for.

She's one of the sweetest, more caring people I know. But she's not a pushover. Oh no. Not Heather. She keeps me in line, in more ways than one. I don't even know if I'd wake up in the morning if is wasn't for her. And our room would look like a a tornado hit.

But it's not just her responsibility that makes her so amazing. This girl keeps me sane and grounded. I'm not the most constant person when it comes to my mood (give me a break, I'm a sanguine), and she puts up with my mood swings like a true soldier.

I'm gonna be honest and admit that I've never really been one for having close friends that are girls, it never worked out well for me. But Have Lee-Lee as my roommate (2 years and still kicking!) and my awesome best friend has meant so much to me. She's changed my life, opened my eyes to see a new way, and put up with my craziness.

My Dearest Heather,

I love you like a fat boy loves double chocolate fudge cake with chocolate frosting and colorful sprinkles.

Love, Sam

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