Tuesday 27 December 2011

Family Traditions...

Every family has traditions. Some more than others, some stranger than others. I just thought I'd share a couple of my family's with you.


Sounds kinda weird, eh? I thought so too. But they are absolutely amazing. They are basically like a thin waffle-cone-tasting thing filled with whipped cream and fruit.

#2.Christmas Eve is basically our Christmas

Yep, you read that right. We have a fancy dinner, sing carols around the piano at grandma's house, and then open presents...all on Christmas Eve. I always wondered about why we do it this way, but no one seems to know for sure. Oh well.


And right about now you are thoroughly confused. Mustaches? Well, it all started about 4 or 5 years ago when someone bought a set of fake mustaches for someone else. They were passed around and worn fashionably by everyone. Lots of laughs. Anyway, for some reason this activity stuck and we still do it every Christmas Eve.

Sunday 4 December 2011


Andrew Sylvester Manuel Junior. My new nephew. :)

 He's a real cutie pie.

 No pictures please.

Awwww. He's already sucking on his thumb.

 Words cannot express the beauty of a baby.

Absolutely adorable.

Proud mommy.

Tuesday 29 November 2011


Andrew Jake Donesky. To me, he's just Andy. We are complete and total opposites. We get into a lot of arguments, but for some reason, we're really good friends. Don't ask me how that works. I'm still trying to figure it out myself. He is one of the only people who sees past my sanguine personality and knows what I'm really feeling. He can be hard to understand sometimes (most of the time), but his strange behavior is just something that makes him unique. His nerdy conversation can be really annoying, but usually it only bugs me because it makes me realize how nerdy I am as well. I really hate it when he goes against what I want on purpose (see facial hair in picture below), but I really appreciate that he isn't a pushover and that he holds his own opinions. As pessimistic as I'd like to think he is, I cannot deny that he is actually very realistic. He confuses and frustrates me to no end, but he challenges me like no one else can.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Big Ben

Amaris Eve Benardo, affectionately known as Big Ben (by me...sometimes) or Amie (the rest of the world...most of the time). There's something wonderful to be said about anyone that can put up with my obnoxious clarinet squeaking, and let me tell you, she's heard her share. I don't remember when exactly we became such good of friends. Perhaps it was the day that she asked me to play a duet with her in the stairwell. Or maybe when we worked in the music office together (a short time, but a blissful time nonetheless). Either way, Amie is one of my favorite people in the world. Someday I'm going to start a campaign to make her handwriting into a font (it practically is already). She is so unique. She is the sunshine to my day. Even thought things may not always be going great for her, she has this constantly upbeat attitude that inspires everyone around her. I don't know what I'd do without her.

Monday 21 November 2011

Billy Boy

Kyle William Jacobson, or as I call him, Billy. You know that person that is always thinking the same thing you are? That person who can always read your mind? For me, that's Billy. It's kind of creepy. Okay, so it's really creepy. Either way, Billy has become one of my best friends in the time that I've known him. I admit, his almost unhealthy love of puns does grate a bit on our friendship at times, but a laugh always follows. There's just something so awesome and loud that happens when two very-alike sanguines get together. You can ask our class about that. :) Billy is one of those people who always makes you laugh, whether you're laughing at the comments he makes or (more likely) at how right after he makes a comment he bursts into laughter at his own cleverness. In short, he's someone that makes happiness infectious.

Friday 18 November 2011

Alaska Air

Heather Lee Anne Ueeck. She's the greatest thing since microwave popcorn. It all started last year when she showed up for school. She came the Sunday night before school started. I was organizing my room (shocking, I know) when I heard commotion across the hall. Naturally, my easily distracted self wanted to see what was happening. So I popped my head out the door and, lo and behold, there stood the strangest girl I had ever seen. Okay, so maybe not the strangest, but she also wasn't the most normal. The girl before me stood far above my tiny stature. She wore a very-much-so worn western hat and cowboy boots. All that stood in her room were two huge (and I mean gigantic) orange suitcases. I was dying with curiosity by now. Where had she come from? What was with the western and orange theme? So, of course, I started a conversation as she put together her room. She was from Alaska (and very proud of it too) and loved (actually, was obsessed with) the color orange. Throughout the year I was privileged to get to know this very unique girl. As time went on, we spent more and more time in each others rooms. And you know what? We're roommates now, and I could not ask for a better roommate. She puts up with so much of my randomness and (I must confess) messiness. I love her like a cow loves grass. : )

Tuesday 15 November 2011

My Life with Frederick

Can I introduce you to someone? His name is Frederick. He is a huge part of my life. I cannot imagine living without him. It's been nine years since I first met him, and let me tell you, they have been an amazing nine years. I didn't really like him at first, but he definitely grew on me. Now, we're practically inseparable. I don't take my eyes off of him when he's around. Now, before you ask when the wedding is [and then make a pathetic excuse for why you can't make it], I'll let you in on a little secret.

Fredrick is my clarinet.

I am perfectly aware that it's weird to name your instrument, but you have to understand that Frederick and I have gone through a lot together. Wind, rain, snow, sand, and staining red dirt. Marching band, pep band, filming, orchestra, and polka band. He's even gone on a road trip across the United States.He's also been to Hawaii and back. No, he's not the nicest clarinet on the planet [in fact, I found him at a garage sale], but he sure is faithful.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Senior Filming




Baby Wisps.























Amie and Melissa.












Baby Wisps.


Shannon and Ave.


Heather and Joel.

The End.