Friday 18 November 2011

Alaska Air

Heather Lee Anne Ueeck. She's the greatest thing since microwave popcorn. It all started last year when she showed up for school. She came the Sunday night before school started. I was organizing my room (shocking, I know) when I heard commotion across the hall. Naturally, my easily distracted self wanted to see what was happening. So I popped my head out the door and, lo and behold, there stood the strangest girl I had ever seen. Okay, so maybe not the strangest, but she also wasn't the most normal. The girl before me stood far above my tiny stature. She wore a very-much-so worn western hat and cowboy boots. All that stood in her room were two huge (and I mean gigantic) orange suitcases. I was dying with curiosity by now. Where had she come from? What was with the western and orange theme? So, of course, I started a conversation as she put together her room. She was from Alaska (and very proud of it too) and loved (actually, was obsessed with) the color orange. Throughout the year I was privileged to get to know this very unique girl. As time went on, we spent more and more time in each others rooms. And you know what? We're roommates now, and I could not ask for a better roommate. She puts up with so much of my randomness and (I must confess) messiness. I love her like a cow loves grass. : )

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