Sunday 24 August 2014

Changing Directions

Do you remember when you listened to a song for like the millionth time and the words finally clicked? I mean it had a catchy beat and you knew all of the words, but then you finally felt it.  And from that moment on you couldn't go back. You could never hear the song without having a moment of thoughtfulness.

And it's never just one song. I have had this profound experience with songs from multiple genres and they have all had a different impact on me, but I'm not going to bore you with the details. The point I'm trying to make is that good music needs to be experienced. 

There are some people who aren't as affected by music. I have friends who don't really listen to music or even know what genres they like, and that's totally okay. Everybody is different.

But I absolutely love music. I love the fact that I can listen to a song 50 times and hear something new every time, whether musically or lyrically. Songs are puzzles just waiting to be taken apart. A song can be just what we need to hear or capture what we are feeling perfectly in words. Music can inspire us to be strong or comfort us in our darkest moments.

I am currently studying journalism at Walla Walla University, and I am constantly asked what I plan to do with my degree when I graduate. I don't want to work at a newspaper and I certainly don't want to be a reporter. I know that this seems quite counter-intuitive, as my major points whole-heartedly in that direction, and I've struggled with this because I do love writing--just not about the news. All I want to do is write about what I'm passionate about.

And then it clicked. I love writing and I love music. Can't I just combine them?

Let me tell you about the glorious field of music journalism. I would get to write album reviews, live concert reviews, and interview artists. I'd discover new artists and genres. I would literally be getting paid to experience music. 

I know this post seems scrambled and I honestly didn't know where I was going when I started writing it (come to think of it, I never know where my writing is going--it has a mind of it's own).

But I've decided that it's time for an announcement. I've decided to go into music journalism and therefore there will be needing to write more in that general direction. So, henceforth this will be a place where I post a lot of music-related writing. I'm hoping to stick to at least a post a week. Hold me to it, guys.

I promise that will still be making general updates about my oh-so-exciting life (catch the sarcasm, kids?), but they will no longer be the focus of this blog. I promise that you'll want to stick around to read though, because I've got a lot in store for Adventures of a Sanguine this year.

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